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Wix news

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Website SEO Hero School created for the WIX contest is not bad ranked. For example http://www.seoheroschool.com/ now ranked higher on request "seo hero" than https://seoheronews.com. Most likely due to links from the site wix.com. However, it is worth noting: the Wix sites are ranked very well, as stated by the representative of Google, expert John Mueller:
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Website SEO Hero reaches over 240 people, of which 171 (71%) are in the U.S.
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Contest SEO Hero from Wix will be finished in 2-3 months.
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I pay great attention to design. On site SEO Hero.
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Carefully read all the rules and have been some questions on the topic of use on the website internal optimization and also issues using external optimization.
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For example, the site http://www.seohero-site123.com trying to move this way.
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In the promotion of sites in search engine from Google it is important to take into account the search demand.
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The website SEO Hero was installed the security certificate SSL of the Global Sign.
It turns out there is a ship called SEO Hero. It is not strange. Detailed information on the link - https://www.fleetmon.com/vessels/gaja-seohero_0_8366146/
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Special attention when creating the logo was given: