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Changes in Google has led to the promotion of fake news

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Foreign experts believe that the recent changes in Google's algorithms has led to the promotion of fake news in the search results. This is evidenced by the results of a survey of Business Insider.

In the last year Google began to pay more attention to the CTR of search results. Accordingly, a higher position in the results now take those links, the probability of a click on which is higher. In the result of fake news can be ranked more highly than truthful.

Joost De Valk, founder of Yoast:

"All SEO experts agree that Google takes into account CTR in ranking. At each position in the search results expected a certain level of CTR. If the result gets more hits, it usually takes a higher position in search results".

Rishi Lakhani, consultant search engine marketing:

"Although Google does not recognize this, he uses CTR as a ranking factor. A number of tests I conducted, confirm this view. Than "hot" title, the higher the CTR, right?".

Below are some examples:



Recall that last week Google removed the module "news" from the search results on desktops. Instead, it now displays the unit "breaking news". According to Business Insider, this change is one step the company to struggle with false news.

Last month, Google and Facebook have closed access to its advertising services to websites spreading false information.

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There is a possibility to adjust the results for the base query (which corresponds to the value of the parameter q or as_q ) using a number of get-parameters of the format variable=value used in the URL of the page of search results after the substring /search? . The use of these parameters can be very useful when parsing search results.
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