VK begins testing personalized ads in communities

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Today the representatives of the large communities in VK will receive invitations to test new ad tool – personalized ads, which will begin in March 2017.

As reported in the official press release, the owners of the communities will be able to determine how much advertising will be transferred to the VK advertising management system. The system will consider the themes of communities and selecting relevant for community announcements. For example, in communities where the most of content is video will be shown mostly videos, in communities about the automotive will be in the first place to see automotive topics ads.

Alexander Kruglov, Director of development at VK:

"Communities in VK have replaced the sites for a huge number of people. While still a large part of advertising in the VK groups — these are static banners with payment for placement. This format was popular in the web 10 years ago, today the main method of monetization for most sites are the various ad thematic networks. The site administrator allocates space for a ad block, and an advertising system choose each visitor a unique ad. Similarly it will work and the new tool VK.

The new scheme has a number of significant advantages for users and administrators of communities. Users will see more personalized and high-quality advertising, and its quantity will not increase. At the same time, income administrators will become more stable and will be tied to the quality of the community audience. In addition, there will disappear the risks of locks communities due to poor advertising.

Th new system of monetizing communities was announced in December of last year: instead of direct placements of ads, administrators will be invited to receive the income from VK for the placement of entries in the community page and in news feed. Moderation and targeting of such advertising will be carried out by representatives of the social network. The new system aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of advertising in communities.

For advertisers in the new system will be available to new tool, that in the terms of the auction system will lead to cheaper traffic.

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