United Dev Conf 2017
6-7 April in Minsk will host the international IT-conference United Dev Conf for front-end, highload, mobile developers and marketers.
2 days, 3 streams technical reports, 1 thread about marketing services, 40+ speakers, 50+ companies, 700+ participants.
You go to the most interesting speakers:
- Ilya Klimov (Ukraine): Vue.JS: what I traded React in 2017, and why?;
- Denis Radin (Netherlands): Applying NASA coding standards to JavaScript ;
- Dmitry Bortalevich (Belarus): How to train your WebVR;
- Alexander Krasheninnikov (Russia): Hadoop High Availability: experience Badoo;
- Leonid Vasiliev (Ireland): Building, deploying and running production code at Dropbox;
- Mete Atamel (UK): Resilient microservices with Kubernetes;
- Keith Moon (United Kingdom): Machine Learning on iOS;
- Alexander Sychev (Russia): Statics and dynamics. How theme frameworks will help to upgrade your app;
- Cesar Valiente (Germany): Unidirectional data flow on Android using Kotlin;
- Manuel De Vits (Belgium): Just Sell IT! How to sell IT projects effectively;
- Adam Wesolowski (Poland): How to start working on growth?;
- Anna Lavrov (Ukraine): How to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the client.
More reports on the website.
Stay tuned: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK, LinkedIn.
See you at the conference!