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Shanelle Mullin

Shanelle Mullin

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Content & Growth at ConversionXL

I do content and growth at ConversionXL and ConversionXL Institute, an optimization training program for mid-market and enterprise level marketers. I'm a jill-of-all-trades marketer with a background in PPC, SEO, content marketing, analytics and PR.

When I was 15, I decided to do what most teens do. You know, jump head first into affiliate marketing. I helped a 3-person startup grow to a million dollar revenue-generating company before my 18th birthday.

Over the last 10 years, I've worked in a variety of freelance and in-house roles. I tried a bit of everything before deciding to focus on optimization and content.

In my spare time, I play too many video games, read paperback books (gasp) and watch an embarrassing amount of reality TV. I spend most of my time talking about UX, analytics and content. Also, kittens and ice cream.