SEO Hero extension for Opera
Previously, I have created SEO Hero an extension for Google Chrome browser.
More about Chrome extension -
Now I am engaged in the creation of applications for the Opera browser. I tried to publish your app but received a number of comments.
Status has changed for SEO Hero by
SEO Hero ( v1.0 on Opera Current: Disapproved. Message from moderator:
- It is not allowed to insert response into innerHTML (append, prepend, html(), etc.). Please use:
- parseInt/parseFloat for numbers
- mystring.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, ''); for strings
- for HTML blocks
- $("").html(html);
- $("").html(html);
- If defined, the support webpage must be relevant to the extension:
- "Source code website" doesn't contain any source code.
- Chrome screenshots.
- Chrome video.
Didn't review main.js and popup.js.
Now I'm busy error correction.