SEMrush shared interesting facts about the SEO market in Europe
In SEMrush decided to find out what features are inherent in market for SEO in different parts of Europe. The company interviewed 37 experts from 21 countries in the region.
Interesting facts from the report:
- The main purpose of search engine optimization in UK is the ROI, not position in the ranking.
- In Denmark an experienced consultant earns from $150 to $250 per hour.
- In the countries of the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) is used more than 100 different dialects.
- Google carefully monitors spam activity in Germany, as in the past in this country was widespread methods of "black SEO".
- Romania is in the top 10 countries fastest Internet connection in the world.
- The most popular advertising channel in Portugal is the TV.
- The share of the local search engine Seznam in the Czech Republic accounted for 37% of organic traffic.
- The Slovak market is close to Czech, so online shopping is often run in both countries.
- SEO-market of Norway is the smallest among all the Scandinavian countries.
- The second most popular search engine in Turkey – Yandex.
- In the market of SEO in Sweden, the highest competition among all the Nordic countries.
- In Ukraine, Google takes 65% of the search market, Yandex is 30%.