Roskomnadzor has blocked LinkedIn

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Social network for professional contacts LinkedIn entered in the register of infringers of rights of personal data subjects and aimed for the lock operators. About it it is reported on the official website of Roskomnadzor.

We will remind, the decision to block LinkedIn in August took the Tagansky district court of Moscow, having satisfied the claim of Roscomnadzor, violation of the law on personal data. November 10, the Moscow city court rejected an appeal by LinkedIn and found that the lock resource is legal.

The lawyer of the social network had previously stated that LinkedIn does not conduct activities on the territory of Russia:

"Our position is that there is no reason to extend the standards of the legislation of the Russian Federation the foreign legal entity that does not conduct in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation of its activities".
And on 14 November, LinkedIn announced its willingness to sit at the table of negotiations with Roscomnadzor in order to settle claims offices to service in the interests of Internet users.

Social network for professional contacts LinkedIn is not the first to come under the attention of Roskomnadzor because of the law on the localization data. But lock LinkedIn is a landmark event, because before that Roskomnadzor has not made in the register of large foreign resources according to the law on the storage of information in Russia.

Audience LinkedIn has more than 400 million people, 5 million of whom are citizens of the Russian Federation.

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