reCAPTCHA is now identifying people automatically
Google improved its system of protection against robots reCAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). Now it is able to automatically distinguish users from bots without additional checks.
The new system works on the basis of a combination of machine learning algorithms and advanced risk analysis, and adapting to new and emerging threats. To determine people, reCAPTCHA analyzes a number of parameters, including the IP address, the movement of the mouse and previous interaction with reCAPTCHA. Now users will not need to click on the checkbox, entering text or numbers to prove they are not robots. The new system will be invisible to them.
The current system reCAPTCHA will continue to work. It will see users who are marked as 'suspicious'.
In 2014, Google launched a new form of protection from bots 'No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA'. To confirm that the user is not a robot, enough click.