Google Panda analyzes site architecture
The Google Panda algorithm analyzes all aspects of the quality of the site, including its architecture. About it told the representative of the search John Mueller during the last hangout for webmasters.
The question to Mueller was:
Are we taking Panda into consideration the site architecture during its evaluation or improvement categories is irrelevant?
He replied:
If we see on the website problems that, in our opinion, can have a significant impact on the quality of the resource as a whole, we will review them. Therefore, if you have problems with the categories of the site and that you can improve, then it is worth doing
Listen to the response to Muller and his answer to it, starting with a mark of 8:54 of the video below
Panda algorithm 1.0 saw the light February 24, 2011 – six years ago. Its main task is analyz sites containing content of low quality. This is one of the most significant search filters by Google.
About a year ago the Panda filter was part of the core Google algorithm.