Kyiv Outsourcing Forum 2017
Do you want to Kyiv Outsourcing Forum 2017?
- Don't miss the first 50 tickets:
- Lowest price;
- Invitation to all pre-events;
- Priority invitation to the closed workshops.
Don't wait for tomorrow what is more profitable to do today!
For the tenth year in a row Lemberg Tech Business School hosts a unique event for owners and top managers of outsourcing companies - Kyiv Outsourcing Forum 2017.
In the focus of the conference - modern process outsourcing services market, practical aspects of the outsourcing company, building partnerships, and infrastructure development companies.
Participants of Kyiv Outsourcing Forum 2017:
- Owners of IT outsourcing companies (800+ employees);
- Owners of medium-sized outsourcing companies (80-800 employees);
- Top management of medium and large IT companies;
- Owners of IT product companies (B2B);
- Representatives of European business associations;
- Experts from abroad.
Our speakers - more than 70 of the best experts in the field of IT outsourcing in Ukraine and the world.