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Oren Greenberg

Oren Greenberg

| UK
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Digital marketer. Growth hacker. Head of digital. Head of growth. Chief marketing officer. CDO.

I am a jack of all and master of some within the remit of digital marketing. My goal is to help clients increase market share and become leaders in their fields. I currently work as a consultant / freelancer - mostly as outsourced chief digital officer or head of search.

I’ve been quoted in publications such as Virgin entrepreneur, Business Zone, The Guardian, M&S for business, Business Info Guide, Real Business, Fourth Source and Racounteur. Guest expert on business podcasts, including excellence expected and digital marketing radio. In top BIMA hottest 100 2015. I enjoy good sushi and I'm a big fan of meditation & work methodologies such as GTD / inbox 0.

Produced award winning content - CSS Reel Award for innovation & creativity, a 'Special Kudos' award from CSS Design Award, and an honorable mention by Awwwards.com.

Previously digital marketing agency owner & head of search for Wonga.com, a start-up that grew to 1000 employees at its peak and won the following awards:

  • Alternative Lender of the Year, Credit Today Magazine
  • Number 1, The Sunday Times Tech Track 100
  • Fastest Growing Company, Media Momentum Awards

Some accomplishments for a sprinkle of good measure: • Built an agency from scratch, team of 8 with circa 20 freelancers, scaled to meet growing client demands • Managed paid search delivery to 8600 clients (grew by 139%) • Managed budgets of up to £600k monthly • Managed Adwords campaigns with over 3.7 million key phrases • Grew organic traffic from 2.3mil a month to 3.1 mil a month • Achieved a 1700% increase in traffic for one client within 2 months • Managed multiple campaigns internationally, achieving top rankings for competitive industries bingo / payday loans

My specialities include:

  • Digital marketing strategy internationally
  • Content marketing
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Pay Per Click
  • Web (google) analytics
  • Display
  • Mobile marketing