OK testing a ad format Canvas

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Social network OK testing a new mobile interactive ad format Canvas.

Canvas is a new type ad in mobile social networking app, is a full-screen page content. A page can contain up to 7 screens and consist of different, including interactive elements:

  • Auto Play Video;
  • Slider;
  • Panoramic photography;
  • Gyro-controlled Button;
  • Active Buttons.

In the future there will be other elements. The page itself is created in special constructor inside the social network.

Canvas will be interesting to large advertisers and small businesses. It gives the opportunity for brands not only to show the advertising message, but also to involve users, allowing them to interact with content in the game format without going to an external site. Thus, the advertiser can increase the quality of contact with users.

Canvas will also be interesting to those who have no mobile version of the site. The tool will allow you to construct the page telling about the product, independently and without the involvement of outside experts.

Simon Boyar, Manager business development project OK:

"OK— entertainment social network, one of the most popular types of content is game. We see great potential in the interactive, so expect that users positively perceive the new advertising format".

Currently, the format is tested on Android devices and will be available to users, starting with version 4.4. For viewing canvas pages, you must update the OK app. The advertiser pays only for those users who will be displayed in the canvas-is.

The cost of placing a canvas advertising will be announced after the completion of the tests.

Previously, the company Mail.Ru Group announced about the launch of cross-platform advertising format Canvas in June 2016.

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