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Michael Stricker

Michael Stricker

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My one-two punch is analytics and creative digital marketing to overcome obstacles to business growth. I love to craft initiatives that build demand and generate qualified leads, then inform, persuade and motivate those prospects to become customers, and, better yet, advocates.

I’ve been privileged to serve reputable brands, such as SEMrush, AeroPostale, BET, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Dell, Doubletree, EPHenry, FAA, GolfSmith, HomeFirst, JGWentworth, Job.com, RE/MAX, Toshiba. Audubon, PBS, GE, Verizon, Sears.

Professionally, I’ve progressed from practitioner, manager, consultant, director and business owner. Hundreds of my strategic consultations, campaigns and tactical projects achieved positive business results. Clients, customers, employers and partners rely on my ability to communicate and deliver mutual benefit while building lasting relationships. Co-workers will tell you that I am always a team player, whether forging new teams, or galvanizing those established.

Expertise: Strategic Marketing Inbound Marketing / Content Marketing Demand Generation Lead Generation Budgets and Planning Roles, Goals and Team-Building Data-Driven Analytics Data Journalism using Big Data Strategic Partners Influencer, Relationship and Advocacy Marketing Public Speaking, Events, Webinars, Podcasts SEO, PPC, SMO, CRO, ORM (I know, too many acronyms!) Public Speaking, Events, Webinars, Podcasts