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Matt Janaway

Matt Janaway

| UK
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am a successful digital & online entrepreneur and marketer specialising in e-Commerce websites. I use advanced SEO techniques which are ahead of the industry standard & consult some high-end brands on their link building strategies while also using state-of-the-art techniques to increase conversion rates.

I have built, purchased, optimised and sold 10+ eCommerce businesses with revenue totals in excess of £10m.

My team have been awarded the Online Retail Award for three consecutive years! http://www.onlineretailawards.com/results

Specialties: SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, Link Building, PPC (pay per click), SEM, CRO, Technical SEO, Content Management, Content Creation, Creative Writing, Blogging, Meta Data, Rankings, Search Engines, Keyword Research, SEO campaigns & SEO consultancy, & more