Googlebot started to support HTTP/2
The search robot Googlebot now supports scanning for HTTP/2. About it it is spoken in the post of Google Webmasters on Twitter.
Setting up HTTP/2? Go for it! Googlebot won't hold you back.— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) on 19 December 2016.
So now those webmasters who were waiting for official confirmation from Google, will be able to transition to the new Protocol.
We will remind that in February 2015, Google announced about the upcoming phase out support for SPDY – its own alternative the HTTP in favor of HTTP/2 in Chrome.
In April this year, a representative search John Mueller said that the use of HTTP/2 on the website not directly affect the ranking in Google, but allows you to improve user experience by speeding up page loading.
At that time the Googlebot did not support the scanning of HTTP/2. However, the use of this Protocol on the website do not adversely impact on the operation of search robots..