Google перестает поддерживать messenger Spaces
17 APR 2017 years work messenger Google Spaces will be terminated. About it is reported on the project page.
On 3 March , the service will become read-only. As of this date, you can no longer create threads, posts and comments, send new invitations and add participants.
Until April 17 Spaces users will be able to:
- To view, save, print, and delete content;
- To delete topics they have created and their members and to leave subjects to which they are joined;
- To report violations in the Spaces and block other users of this service.
After 17 April 2017 messenger Spaces and all content therein will be deleted.
"Our goal with Spaces was to create a better small-group sharing experience, and we’ll use what we’ve learned to improve other Google products and services. Thanks again for your support", — noted in the company.
Previously that Google introduced the Spaces – application for chatting and content sharing in small groups in may 2016. A distinctive feature of the new service was the integration with Search, Chrome, YouTube, and Google Photos, which allows you to quickly and easily find any content and share it with your friends.