According to Google, the average time of load the mobile landing page is 22 sec
Currently the average loading time of the landing page on mobile devices is 22 seconds. About this testify to the new research by Google. While 53% of mobile users leave the page if it loads longer than 3 seconds.
The research was conducted data analysis on 900 million mobile sites in January 2017. The sample included enterprises of small and average business, and also representatives of top 1,000, according to Fortune. It covers 126 countries.
The research showed that 70% of the pages of the visual content located in the upper part is loaded in average of 7 seconds. Full load of all the visual content on the page takes 10 seconds. By reducing the load speed from 1 to 7 seconds at 113%, the likelihood increases that the visitor leave the page.
The load speed does not affect the pageviews, but the effect on income. According to Google, mobile devices, conversion rates are lower than on desktops.
The main conclusion of the study is that most mobile sites are slow and contain too many different elements.