Google news are not news aggregator in Russia
Google news will not be included in the register of news aggregators, created by Roskomnadzor. As reported RNS, with reference to the representatives of the supervising department, reason for the discrepancy between data about the total audience on desktop and mobile versions of the service to the established criteria for inclusion of resource in the register of news aggregators.
This was expected, as last year it became known that Google news does not fall under the law on news aggregators, signed by the President of Russia in June 2016, as the number of users reaches 1 million
Roskomnadzor from 1 January 2017, crate the register of news aggregators. The register includes sites and (or) site pages that are used for processing and dissemination of news with the possibility of distribution of advertising and access to which during the day is more than 1 million Internet users.
Recently it became known that the roster already included news portals SMI2 and news Mail.Ru and Yandex.News. The grounds were previously granted to the Roskomnadzor statistics on attendance and identification information from aggregators.