Google has become the most show ready-made answers in the search results
Over the past week and a half, the proportion of queries for which the answers are displayed in Google has increased significantly. About it show the data monitoring tools RankRanger and Mozcast.
Below is the screenshots showing the changes in SERP.
Blocks with responses (featured snippets) in Google search represent a piece of content taken from third party website and located in the top of search results. Previously, they usually appear whenever a search of known facts.
In December 2015, the search began to return such blocks when searching for keywords related to current news. In January 2016 the company's representative John Mueller assured that the display of site content in ready-made answers does not reduce search traffic.
In April, Google began to use for the formation of blocks with responses not only fragments the main content of the web pages, but also user comments.
And in November it became known that the answers in the Google search now compiled with the help of artificial intelligence.
It is assumed that the frequency of occurrence of units with answers in Google will increase. Therefore, optimization for position 0, where they are shown, is one of the current trends in SEO.