Google Valentine's Day doodle
Today on the main page Google appeared Doodle, dedicated to Valentine's Day. This time it's not just a holiday picture, but a multi-level game based about the romantic story of two pangolin.
The plot of the game after a long correspondence of the two lovers of the animals decided to meet in the most romantic day of the year. And this main character will be prepared for the perfect date and a lot of travel. Pangolin offers adventures in India, China, the Philippines and Ghana.
Pangolins or lizards is the placental mammals, whose name comes from the Malay pengguling (folding into a ball). All the body of the pangolin is covered with Horny scales. These animals are common in Equatorial and southern Africa and South-East Asia. They eat termites and ants. By their nature, lizards solitary and form pairs only once a year.
Using the game Doodle professional artists decided attention to the problem of the disappearance of penggulings. According to estimates by animal rights activists over the past 10 years, more than a million pangolins have been killed by poachers that haunt the animals for their valuable meat and shell. Everyone will be able to donate funds for the rescue of pangolins on the link in the game.