Ready-made answers, Google released a description of the video from YouTube
The Agency Stone Temple Consulting have noticed that Google has started to use for making ready-made answers the description of the video on YouTube.
In the search results, it looks like this:
According to specialists of the Agency, the answers fall into the description of those videos which are ranked in the top 10 of Google. In addition, the text should clearly answer the user's query. Preferably, at the beginning of the description. These are the main conditions for the emergence of content in the ready answers of this type.
In Stone Temple Consulting also recommends webmasters to pay more attention to the publication of the video on YouTube and include this item in your SEO strategy. This is true for several reasons:
- YouTube is a popular search engine.
- Google shows YouTube videos in the top 10 search results for certain queries.
In January 2016, a representative of the search John Mueller assured that the display of site content in ready-made answers does not reduce search traffic.
In November it became known that the answers in the Google search now compiled with the help of artificial intelligence.
In December 2016, the proportion of queries that seem ready-made answers in Google, significantly increased.
It is assumed that the frequency of occurrence of units with answers in Google will increase. Therefore, optimization for position # 0 where they show up, one of the current trends in SEO.