Google may again be available in China
Search engine Google scholar is in the list of priority services to unlock in China. About it reports The South China Morning Post, citing a member of the ruling party and the former head of the State administration of press and print of the China, Liu Binjie.
Google scholar search engine for academic publications in all fields of knowledge. Chinese authorities are considering the possibility of the resumption of access to the resource in order to gain academic progress of the country.
Binjie said:
China focuses on academic exchange, and scientific and cultural, instead news, information or policy.
As the newspaper notes, the authorities want to raise the world ranking of their universities to improve their competitiveness in the international arena.
According to Binjie, the government also discuss the unlocking and other Google services.
Currently, the Google search engine and all other services, including Gmail and Google Maps banned in China. To access them, users need to use Virtual Private Network.
The conflict between Google and China broke out in 2010 after the leader of the search refused to censor search results in the country. As a result Google has transferred the majority of Chinese operations in the territory of Hong Kong. After these events users had difficulties with access to the company's services in mainland China.
The last time Google attacked by Chinese authorities in June 2014, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the suppression of democracy protests in Tiananmen square. During this period, the package of Google services, including Google+, Gchat and Drive were blocked. At the end of 2014 the Chinese authorities have completely restricted access to the mail service – Gmail.