Facebook agree to the audit of advertising metrics

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Facebook announced several updates that are designed to increase transparency for advertisers and to expand the range of options for the purchase of video ads on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

The principle of transparency for partners


Facebook has agreed to conduct the audit of advertising metrics from the Media Rating Council (MRC), an organization governing all media metrics in the United States. This is one of the steps by which the company hopes to regain the trust of advertisers, lost after identify errors in the advertising measurement.

More data on the level of views

Next month the company will give advertisers more data on ad impressions in Facebook and Instagram. In particular, they will be available the following statistics for media advertising:

  • the number of milliseconds during which the advertisement was displayed;
  • the number of milliseconds during which 50% of the ads displayed;
  • the number of milliseconds during which 100% of the ads were on the screen.

Verification of the effectiveness of advertising using third-party services

Currently, the company cooperates with 24 independent services that work in the field of advertising measurement. Advertisers can choose from this list of vendors, with whom they work.

New features purchase live

Later this year Facebook will offer advertisers three new options for buying ads in Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network:

  • Buying a full viewing (Completed-view buying): advertisers pay only for those videos that have been completely visited during any time up to ten seconds.
  • Buying two second view (Two-second buying): payment should be made only in case, if for two seconds or more on the screen were visible to at least 50% of the pixels of video advertising, which fully meets the standards of the MRC.
  • Buy with sound (Sound-on buying): advertisers can use the possibility of paying for watching commercials with the sound.

Currently, the number of advertisers Facebook more than 4 million.

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