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Erica McGillivray

Erica McGillivray

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Senior Community and Marketing Manager, Speaker, and Author

I'm a senior-level marketer and community manager with a focus in diversity and inclusion in geeky communities. As senior community manager at Moz, I wrangled an online marketing and SEO-focused community of 600,000. There I curated new, unique voices in Q&A forums, user generated content, social media, webinars, and events. At Moz's annual conference, I programmed with a focus on topics and diversity of backgrounds. Always lots of room to grow, but by programming 50/50 gender balance on stage, attendee demographics changed from 10% women in 2012 to 31% in 2015. I'm also co-founder of GeekGirlCon, an all-volunteer nonprofit focusing on celebrating geeky women, where I lead the forming of a brand, business, and community.

In addition to 10 years of online marketing experience, communication and writing are my lifelong passion. I've contributed to the Moz Blog, Salesforce Canada, and Uncanny Magazine, and am a published author in the Hugo Award-nominated books, Chicks Dig Comics and Chicks Unravel Time. My comic book collection's an earthquake hazard.

I'm currently seeking new opportunities in community management with a focus on diversity and inclusion. I'd love to chat if your brand's ready to take the next step with this type of role! emcgillivray@gmail.com