I chart the connections between data mining, search, social media, marketing, branding and the human factor. My talks on the subject make it easy for executives and business leaders to understand the picture they see.
In addition to the books I write, I also advise a handful of companies globally, blog for a number of websites , including Forbes and journalism.co.uk and write for a number of magazines and newspapers.
These days I do only strategy. Thanks to semantic search, social media marketing and SEO have largely converged. Bringing the two together within your organisation is never easy and in all likelihood you will benefit from knowing what has worked for others, what the issues that arise are and what you can do to best solve them. If you are interested in taking advantage of my experience in this area drop me a line explaining what you want and I will get back to you with the options available.
I give about 50 speeches and presentations to business groups and corporate executives a year and hold an annual seminar on SEO and Social Media. Some of the events I have taken part in are:
- SEO in the Sun (SEO & Introduction to Social Media)
- Manchester SES (SEO)
- Business Group Digital Conference (SEO & Social Media)
- Rutgers University mini-MBA (SEO and Social Media Crisis Management)
- Shanghai APAC executive SEO & Social Media Crisis Management training.
- MxDE Senior Executive Program, Zug (Piercing the Search Bubble).
- SMX East, NYC (Entities and semantic search)
- Semantic Technologies and Business Conference, NYC (Traditional SEO is dead)
I am trying, these days to take part of this labor to the web through Google+ Hangouts. It is kinder on the planet, easier on my sanity, allows me to pack more in my annual schedule and it works out a lot cheaper for those who choose this route, so everybody wins.
Semantic search technology and Social media are changing everything. How we shape that change and what we do with the aftermath is down to us.