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Danica Barnack

Danica Barnack

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Project Manager at Page One Power

Since graduating from The College of Idaho, I have had the joy of working with fellow alumni at a thriving and fascinating tech startup in Boise. With a love of helping others and the need for a fast paced environment, working as a project manager in the SEO industry has enabled me to exercise my fondness of communication, meeting new people, and making use of my creative side. Analytic and competitive, I hope to help make the world a more knowledgeable place by connecting people together, and building the most efficient, fun, and informative online experience out there.

When I'm not on the job, I love playing with my puppy, indulging in new Idaho based micro brews, fishing and camping in the mountains, and participating in Last Call Trivia with my friends.

If you're interested in grabbing coffee and talking shop (or to hear about my most recent mountain escape), please send an email my way (dbarnack.pageonepower@gmail.com).