Brendan Will about Dan Dan is one of the best educators out there when it comes to search engines and search engine marketing. What he says works period.
Ben Mack about Dan Optimization is either a verb or a fairytale. Dan Theis doesn't tell a fairytale. Dan's clients succeed far more than most, but it aint because of some magic bean. Nope. Dan Thies has more successful clients than most because he and his team are leaner, smarter and faster than anybody else in the SEO space. Why is Optimization a verb? Because search engine algorithms are changing daily. Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing pursuit. That's why Dan Thies created SEO Research Labs, because optimization is profitability. Your most profitable solution tomorrow is unlikely to be the same as yesterday. For people who take profit seriously, Dan is your man.
Greg Gallop about Dan At the time I met Dan at Kinko’s, the company was undergoing a transformation from a paper-based “tangible” copy shop to a 21st century silicon based business services center. As a forward thinking man of progress, Dan was not faltered by the old-guard hesitant to move to electronic media.
In order to achieve his goals Dan had to upgrade the staff and equipment of the Houston Region. It was his leadership, passion for the business, and vision to unlock the hidden potential that made him successful. Many of the digital innovations you find in Kinko’s today are the result of groundwork laid by Dan Thies.
I have always said that the one job I enjoyed the most was