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Casie Gillette

Casie Gillette

| Boston, USA
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Originally from Rochester, NY, I graduated from Marietta College (Ohio) in 2004 with a degree in Advertising & Public Relations.

After a move to North Carolina in 2004, I found myself working as an SEO analyst at a pretty large company with some of the top talents in the field. It was here I learned the ins and outs of SEO and would begin to see just how the online marketing world would evolve.

After a move to Boston and three years in the agency world, working with clients big and small, I decided that like Lebron, I was going to take my talents elsewhere: in-house.

For three years I worked at Grasshopper, a start-up based in Needham, MA. Moving from a traditional SEO role to an overall online marketing role, I was responsible for developing and implementing the SEO, social and other online marketing strategies for Grasshopper.com & Chargify.com.

I am currently the Director of Online Marketing at Komarketing, a B2B Online Marketing firm based in downtown Boston.

Specialties: SEO (B2B & B2C), Social, Copywriting, Marketing Communications, Online Marketing Strategy, Website Usability, Client Services