Journal before it was even publicly launched. Outspoken Media provides Internet marketing services and specializes in search engine optimization, online reputation monitoring, social media marketing, content creation, and SEO training.
Specialties seo, social media, orm, seo training, reputation management, analytics, outreach, reputation marketing, and content strategy
Todd Malicoat: Annie is a top-tier marketer. Her skill set speaks for itself. When you have a conversation with her, or read her website you realize just how much more forward thinking and experienced she is versus most marketers. She is among the elite. A brilliant lady with a mind for marketing.
Annie is the rare breed of marketing professional that understands highly technical details, but can communicate complex topics in a simple to understand fashion. Not just anyone can test site indexation with regular expressions, deal with massive custom spreadsheets filled with complex formulas and functions, and still communicate the importance of these things to high level management.
I've seen her give world class keynote worthy speeches, as well as take the time to teach a small business owner because she really wanted to help. Her marketing skill is surpassed only by vast wealth of MS office knowledge, and her humble attitude that makes her an amazing trainer and teacher.
If you're struggling with your data or your marketing, there's few finer folks than Annie. If you don't believe me, just checkout all the free resources she has provided on for online marketers. She's definitely one of the good ones.