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Ammon Johns

Ammon Johns

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Innovative Online Marketing and SEO Pioneer

A specialist in Internet Marketing and Web Promotion since 1996, I'm widely known as one of the pioneers of SEO and search engine marketing.

I have worked with several leading SEO agencies, more than one of which became a 'leading' agency precisely because I was a part of the team. I also have experience as a freelancer, and as an in-house SEO with a start-up that I helped place in the NetRatings Top Ten UK shopping sites within their first year.

I bring the experience of well over 500 major SEO campaigns for all types of clients in every imaginable market. I have helped build, improve, and even sell, hundreds of internet businesses.

Additionally, I have helped clients identify and develop new revenue streams, build social networks, develop quality user-generated content, and massively increase profitability outside the areas of search engine optimisation.

I am best known for innovation, pioneering many of the common strategies of today, and less known for my prouder achievements that of creating SEO campaigns so slick and unobtrusive that even other SEO professionals cannot see (or copy) what I have done.

Specialties: Internet Marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), Viral Marketing, Holistic Marketing, Web Analytics, Conversion Performance Analysis, Online Community Management, Innovation.