When you need an online marketing specialist to help you Increase traffic, Maximize Sales and Grow your business using SEO, Analytics, Social Media & Mobile strategies...you can count on my expertise!
I'm an Inbound Marketing Certified Professional who focus on helping local small businesses & entrepreneurs market their business online using Search Engine Optimization, Video Marketing, Social Media, Mobile Marketing and various Digital Marketing channels to drive traffic, leads and profits to their business.
Summary of my Responsibilities:
SEO: developing, planning, and managing strategic digital marketing & SEO campaigns for Main Websites and Top Executives’ online Personal Brands.
Improving online brand reputation by monitoring, analysing and optimizing all Link Building Strategies and increasing rankings for targeted Keywords rankings on Major search engines.
Web Analytics: Creating reports and comprehensive dashboards allowing tracking of key performance indicators (KPI), conversion rates and make recommendation to improve online customer experience and marketing investments.
SEM: Organizing, implementing, managing, tracking and optimizing Pay per clicks Google Adwords campaigns.
Connect with me on LinkedIn today to schedule a 30 minute Strategy Session. We will discuss how I can help your business:
1. ATTRACT more organic traffic and leads for your business
2. ENGAGE with your web visitors & followers to build trust
3. CONVERT your visitors & followers to paying customers by focusing on landing page optimization
4. GROW your business by making your actual customers buy more from you and increase online sales
5. DOMINATE your target market ''mind share'' by becoming the top-of-mind business they think of when they need your products or services