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Alexandra Tachalova

Alexandra Tachalova

| Russia
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Digital Marketing Consultant Founder of DigitalOlympus.net Contributor to Entrepreneur.com, Moz.com & SEJ

I have been working in the digital marketing industry for more than five years. Over those five years, I’ve gained extensive experience in corporate communication, customer relationship management, search engine marketing and lead generation.

I held the position of Corporate Communication and Brand Manager at SEMrush which is the market leader in competitive research software. All in all, I have attended around 15 conferences and conducted multiple webinars. Each time, I try to reiterate the main message of any search marketing strategy - to develop a deep understanding of your competition and market trends.

Among my speaking topics you can find the followings:

  • Competitive Intelligence: How to spy on your competitors easily
  • The most important search marketing factors
  • How to avoid your competitors’ mistakes
  • Effective link-building strategies with zero budget
  • How social media effects your search marketing success and website traffic

As well as developing and managing SEMrush communication and brand strategy with my team, I also contribute articles to a number of digital marketing blogs.