From the AdWords system will be removed completely Converted Clicks in March 2017
Google reported that the Converted Clicks rate is will be completely removed from AdWords in March 2017. The exact date the representatives are not stated.
In September 2016, the metric Converted Clicks became unavailable for selection as the type conversion bid metric and the parameter Conversion Optimization has been removed from the service settings. Now to optimize rates user must use the metric Conversions.
The column Converted Clicks will be removed from reports in March 2017.
Google noted that in recent years the possibility of conversion tracking has expanded significantly. Now in the Conversions column takes into account all conversions obtained after clicking on the ad and many advertisers to track the effectiveness of ad focusing on it is. To simplify the reporting in AdWords decided to remove the clicks with conversions.
With more information about this change can be found in the AdWords Help center.