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Adarsh Thampy

Adarsh Thampy

| India
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Product Manager at Scripbox.

Gokhan Dilek about Adarsh Adarsh has turned my services pages into ground breaking sales page articles so that I attract more customers. Articles are really informative and explains all my services with great detail including frequently asked questions. He was on time (told me in advance that it was going to take a week to produce two sales articles). He has also done a specific research about my services which gave the articles great value

Ankita Ray about Adarsh Adarsh Thampy - Brilliant manager to work with! A highly motivated person with great skills to carry out his tasks in a different and innovative manner. He has mastery in Marketing, SEO, blogging and most importantly on writing. He has regularly been thorough with his research work and has continually provided accurate reports. He always has a creative, positive outlook towards his work. With his overflowing ideas he has always brought some freshness into the work to keep the team spirit high. He has been a great mentor and guide throughout my journey in Jombay.

Liji Jojan about Adarsh Adarsh is a energetic young chap with full of ground-breaking technical skills waiting to explore the tech savvy world. His talent should be churn in the right hotpot for superlative results.Wish You all the best!!