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AdSense term explained

Contextual ad network from Google. Webmasters can automatically publish relevant ads in their content and to divide the profit from clicks on ads with Google.

Google AdSense is the contextual advertising by Google. AdSense is a system that automatically places on a web sites text and image ads that are displayed depending the theme used by user queries. Payment is made as per click and per action. With the participation of AdSense webmasters also get the opportunity to offer your visitors a Google search on the site or on the Internet, allowing you to profit from viewed ads.

AdSense is very agile and automated system, types of advertising it can be as follows:

  • pay per click — advertisers pay for a click on their ad; 
  • pay per impression — the advertiser pays for impressions his ads on your site. Sites can be selected automatically based on keywords, sites, categories or demographic information;

The format of the AdSense ads can be text, graphics, animation, and video. The click-through rate (CTR) ad units can vary from 1-2% to 50-60%, depending on the theme of the site, its commercial orientation, relevance of the ads themselves.

For users of Google AdSense available such tools as:

  • Filters provide the ability to filter out irrelevant pages for some ads.
  • Selection of private ads. If Google AdSense is not able to pick up contextual ad automatically, the advertiser can choose his own.

Google AdSense is a large number of ad formats: from standard banner size 468×60 to blocks on 728×90, 160×600, 250×250 pixels and many others.

Payments from Google AdSense provide once at month, provided accrue $100. Depending on place of residence for payment system participants Google AdSense can use the services of electronic payment services Western Union, a system of Rapid or direct Bank transfers.

Today Google AdSense is one of the most extensive systems of contextual advertising, complementing the same features as Google Adwords.

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